Rhythm Time - Fun, quality music classes for babies, toddlers and pre-school children.

Friday 14 February 2025 

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Kathy Doolan DRSAM, LRAM

Kathy Doolan studied music at the Royal Scottish Academy of Music and Drama. She taught music in both primary and secondary schools in Scotland, eventually becoming head of a music department at a school in Glasgow.

Kathy believes passionately in the power and importance of music in a child's formative years. She is convinced that every child is musical, but that this inherent musical ability cannot develop in isolation. With this in mind, Kathy started classes to help the babies and children in her local community.

Thus Rhythm Time was born!! When Kathy first started classes in Solihull she had only twenty children coming along to her sessions. The classes grew and developed so rapidly and the demand was so great that Kathy had to train others to lead the ever popular groups. There are almost 1000 children attending Rhythm Time classes in the Solihull area alone and now thousands more throughout the UK.

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