Rhythm Time - Fun, quality music classes for babies, toddlers and pre-school children.

Friday 14 February 2025 

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What The Parents Think...

"There isn't anything my son doesn't like".

"At the classes I saw how well Rhythm Time was written and delivered. I had tried other music classes but Rhythm Time was definitely the best as it focused on pure vocal sound".

"I like the fast pace, variety and minimal formal instruction. This makes the children pay attention so well. It's no hassle for the parents and it's lots of fun".

"Two of my own children have had the benefit of attending the courses and the effect of them continues long after they have left. Such was my two year old's delight in them that she insisted her grandma came too. Her dad has also been persuaded to have a turn taking her to the classes, so it is turning into a family affair!".

"The sheer variety of the activities in each session is great. All the children's senses are tapped into.".

"This is the nicest pre-school group I have ever been to. Thank you!".

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