Rhythm Time - Fun, quality music classes for babies, toddlers and pre-school children.

Friday 14 February 2025 

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Music Is Fundamental To Your Child's Development

In Rhythm Time we all have lots of fun! We instil a love and understanding of music from an early age, while at the same time developing confidence, creativity, imagination, listening and co-ordination.

Research has shown that taking part in pre-school music classes at an early age helps build the neural pathways that allow language and memory to develop. Rhythm Time has suitable courses designed specifically for pre-school children and babies even as young as 2 or 3 months old.

The activities in these classes are an excellent preparation for any child who might want to play an instrument when they are older. But more importantly the children learn at a very early age that making music with others is a wonderful, exciting experience. Something they will never forget.

Find out what makes Rhythm Time different and what we do in the classes.

To find your nearest Rhythm Time class, click here

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