Rhythm Time - Fun, quality music classes for babies, toddlers and pre-school children.

Saturday 27 July 2024 

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The Franchise Package

  • A well defined area from which to operate your Rhythm Time classes
  • Full initial and ongoing support from experienced Rhythm Time personnel
  • A training manual
  • A complete, detailed set of lesson plans for each of the Baby, Toddler and Pre-school classes, 14 courses in total
  • Training DVDs and CDs to accompany each course
  • A complete set of teaching aids to accompany each course
  • A varied set of quality percussion instruments for your classes
  • A portable CD player
  • Storage boxes for instruments
  • Purpose built computer program to help with the Administration
  • Access to a secure part of the web site which includes advertising material, bulletin boards etc
  • Guidelines on business promotion and advertising
  • Advice on how to maximise additional opportunities
  • A licence to operate your Rhythm Time business

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